2032 Vision
*credit Village Church
Vision, Passion & Mission
We believe God’s vision for Peninsula Grace Church is to be a Gospel-centered community
reproducing disciples of Jesus. Our passion is obeying the Great Commandment (loving God and others) through obeying the Great Commission (making disciples of all nations). To the glory of God, through faith in the work of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to help the broken find wholeness in Jesus (Colossians 1.28).
10 Year Vision
In light of that vision, here’s a snapshot of what we are currently working toward. We hope and pray, by 2032, it can be said of Peninsula Grace Church:
We welcome those who recognize their brokenness and need for a Savior to grow in grace as members of Jesus’s body. - Every member of Peninsula Grace is consistently engaged in Gospel-centered learning, reproducing discipleship, awestruck worship, compassionate community and egoless servanthood. (G.R.A.C.E.) - We pursue discipleship for all ages and stages of life, specifically equipping parents as primary disciple-makers of their children.
Locally, we are growing by making and sending disciples of Jesus, and sacrificially partnering with church planting and revitalization efforts on the Kenai Peninsula. - We take the Gospel wide into our community by taking the Gospel deep with our church family.
Across Alaska, we are partnering with churches and organizations to see churches planted and revitalized where there is no Gospel-centered church. - We have a healthy, on-going, mutually-encouraging relationship with an Alaskan sister village church.
Globally, we are meaningfully partnering with, supporting and sending disciple-making
missionary units and church planters to the least reached people groups on earth. - We are helping take the Gospel of King Jesus to every tongue, tribe and nation.