Community Christian Events

Join other Christians at these events happening in our community.

Community Worship Concert

Join other people from our community for a worship concert on April 5th at 6:00pm at College Heights Baptist Church.  

Love Like Jesus
Interdenominational Women's Conference
Loving Well Ladies Ministry is hosting a Love Like Jesus women's conference on April 4-5th at Regent Life Church in Homer.  For more information and to register, go to


Register Here
Women's Retreat
Solid Rock Bible Camp

Join other women from the peninsula at the Women's Retreat at Solid Rock Bible Camp on April 4-6.  Slow down, rest, build relationships, laugh, have fun, worship, and learn together.  There are activities and worships for those who like to stay busy and plenty of opportunity to rest and reconnect with old and new friends.

$135/person - includes meals, lodgind, and activities.  Register at

Royal Family Kids
Night to Remember

Join us on April 11th for an evening of desserts and to learn about Royal Family Kids Anchorage Camp.  RFK transforms communities by interruptin cycles of neglect, abuse, and abandonment of children in the foster care system.  We strive to treat campers royally, make moments that matter, and provide an environment where kids can be kids.  For more information go to 

Abortion Recovery Retreat
ABC Life Choices

Find hope and healing after an abortion.  Many women and men ieep their abortion experiences a secret and this keeps them from being able to fully heal, but healing and hope are possible.  They can flourish and know joy, hope, and peace in spite of that decision.  Sign up for a FREE and confidential retreat on April 24-27, 2025.  Call 907-283-9062 for more information or to sign up. 

9th Annual Freedom House Fundraiser
"Bountiful Harvest"
Plan to join us April 26, 2025 for our Annual fundraiser and night of testimonies and fun at Cook Inlet Aademy! Dinner, silent & live auction items, resident stories, as well as an update on the ministry! For Ticket Information click  HERE.
God bless
PGC Calendar
Weekly and Special Events