Vision, Passion & Mission

 We believe God’s vision for Peninsula Grace Church is to be a Gospel-centered community reproducing disciples of Jesus. Our passion is obeying the Great Commandment (loving God and others) through obeying the Great Commission (making disciples of all nations). To the glory of God, through faith in the work of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to help the broken find wholeness in Jesus (Colossians 1.28).

Peninsula Grace Church is part of a global fellowship of churches called the Charis Fellowship (charis: kar'-us, definition: grace). As such, we hold to the Charis Commitment to Common Identity, which you can download in totality here, or click on Our Beliefs tab to read the document.

We believe that any written document is a creation of man, and must be subject to continual discussion and improvement as we grow in our understanding of the Bible, which alone is the unchanging Word of God, as we seek to apply the Bible to our changing cultural context.